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Coles Campaign Stances..

Thomas Cole

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Information to papers.. 

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U.S. Congress

Thank you for completing our candidate questionnaire. Your answers will be published in our voter guide and may be lightly edited for spelling and grammar. Our goal is to help voters understand candidates' views on important policy issues.

Email *

Name *

Thomas Cole

Political party *


Age as of Election Day *


Campaign website *

Occupation *

Data analyst

Education *

Doctorate degree JD

What office are you running for? *

Representative of Congressional District 24

Representative of Congressional District 19

Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought) *


Please list highlights of your civic involvement: *

Founder of Analytics805, an election data research company and the Coalition for Liberty. 30-year resident of Santa Barbara County. Retired developer and builder. Patented Designer, working with fire departments and local governments to design methods to capture our local streams and stop fires from invading our wild urban interface areas. Law degree, California Institute of Law in Santa Barbara. Brought lawsuit against SBUSD on behalf of parents and First Amendment rights.

Who are your top three campaign contributors? *

Mostly republicans

What is your vision for what your district should look like in 5 years? 10 years?  *

WE should have more jobs and more housing for our young people. Homeless veterans must be cared for. Homeless illegal aliens must be returned to their nation of origin. Federal debt per voter in near $200K per voter. How can this be sustained? And how can our current representative in congress place $460,000,000 of new debt on our district? I would work to stop the printing of paper dollars, to stop the inflationary spiral we are in. Fewer regulations mean more freedom for businesses, wealth builders, employers and working people to make and keep more of their money. People make the best decisions for their own benefit, not government.

What do you believe is the most important issue facing your district today, and what will you do to address it? *

Peace is very important, because endless wars are a major cause behind inflationary spending and printing. Open borders is also crucial, because in the last three years our current congressional rep has imported 40,000 new homeless illegal aliens into our county. Just our county. Where do they all go? Are there new housing for these people? No. Are there new jobs for them? No. We are supposed to take care of all these homeless people and forget that it destroys our housing availability, cost mega millions in social services and the crime, the crime. All this while our veterans are dying in the streets. It's an unforgivable shame. Peace , Parents , Borders are my big three campaign issues.

How will you support the creation of infrastructure, jobs, and affordable housing in your district? *

Energy was our biggest employer in past years. Now our current Rep has ended all energy jobs, driving the price of gas and the price of everything out of site including housing. I would vote for a reasonable mix of energies. And that means not importing oil from rogue nations like the Saudis and other nations with zero environmental controls, and instead safely extract our own oil and gas reserves to power our economy , providing thousands of good paying jobs in our county and powering family building and wealth creation for our local people.

How do you plan to tackle climate change through federal policies, and what local initiatives do you believe are essential to your district’s environmental sustainability? *

AS a parable. Just 22,000 years ago in 20,000 BC, there was an immense lake in California .. It was the largest lake west of the great lakes. This lake was 25 miles by 75 miles long, 700' deep, ice cold and filled with fish. The world's CO2 level was very low back then at the end of the last Ice Age, down to 180 PPM. But then, 22,000 years ago the environment began to change, on its own. It wasn't caveman fires, CO2 levels, cars or factories that caused the change.. The earth changed on its own and began to warm up. Co2 levels rose to 400 PPM. And no one alive really knows why. Over the last 22,000 years the west coast average temperature went from 50 degrees average, to today's temps of 70 on the coast. The ocean off our coast raised up 400'... All these changes occurred before people even had a lamp to burn. And so today, that vast ancient icy lake area in California, is known as Death Valley.

What is your stance on immigration reform at the federal level, and how would you address immigration issues that impact your district? *

We must have orderly and vetted immigration. Stay in Mexico or the country next to the one you are escaping and apply for asylum from there legally. We in the USA cannot have a welfare state and open borders. That combination is a sure recipe for disaster. Since the Supreme court has opined that we cannot withhold welfare on the basis of citizenship, I would certainly enforce e-verify for any workers, and add my own plan. To e-verify anyone who is on public assistance, welfare, schools, hospital care, food stamps.. all must get on line and state to the federal government for public review, if they are a citizen or not, who they are, provide a photograph, contacts, working status and locations. Failure to provide this data to the federal government, would result in withholding of federal aid to that state, county or entity. Because the federal government has an absolute right to know how many non citizens are receiving welfare , from city, state, private or federal sources.

What can you do to reduce partisanship in Congress and foster cooperation across the aisle in the interest of serving the American people? *

Peace is a universal benefit to all nations, to all people and I am a peace Republican. My basic stance in no proxy wars anywhere, anytime. Right there is a vast savings of blood and treasure. That last payment for war cost our district $460,000,000, at a time our children cannot even get enough work to rent an apartment. And right now we are spending $200,000,000 to kill 800,000 young people in eastern Europe, for no good reason. I would vote for diplomats, not cluster bo-mbs. I would vote to keep NATO from incursion into nations adjacent Russia, and would not be sending arms into Taiwan, because in both instances these are nuclear armed nations whose sphere of influence certainly includes their neighbors and islands only 80 miles distant as in Taiwan's case. And in example if China decided to arm up Mexico with offensive missiles, fighter jets, tanks, mines, invasion forces.. we in the US would go absolutely berzerk. So that is what I am talking about.

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