Thomas Cole
for Congress:
My general comment is thank goodness president Trump has returned. And as for my own little election..
"I do thank our supporters and the scant media that did not censor our message.
The Soros backed incumbent came in first, while peace, parents and border candidate Thomas Cole second place. Yet America is saved."
Yes Salud is Chicken to Debate Thomas Cole Instead he calls in Soros backed Media Matters to run a smear campaign. The usual deep state tactic. "We must be over the target". .. TC

Salud is Chicken to debate the issues...

Why Cole is Running for Congress
1) Restrict the U.S.-Mexico border to legal immigration only which will end the flow of illicit narcotics, the sex trafficking and flooding our communities with millions of homeless people. We need to take care of our USA veterans and citizens first.
2) Stop sending $200 billion to fund proxy wars in Eastern Europe, which have killed 800,000 Christian civilians, forcing citizens to fight an undeclared proxy war. A whole generation of Eastern Europeans have been obliterated. That war has cost our district over $450 million in accumulated federal debt. It would have been much more wise to spend that on housing for veterans, housing and jobs for young working people and all citizens in our district.
3) Support school choice End the stranglehold teacher’s unions have over our public schools, abolish DEI and all racially biased programs from our schools.
4) Support women and girls and their rights. (TitleIX) They should not be forced to compete against biological men. And those men have no right to be in the girls locker rooms or on their sports teams.
5) Support parents rights to keep transgenderism, child genital mutilation, schoolhouse porn and drag shows out of the schools and away from their children.
6) Support clean oil and natural gas production policies that keep America energy independent. Energy independence will bring gas prices down as we just saw. And stop funding green energy schemes that require billions of federal subsidies, enrich Communist China and kill millions of birds.
7) Protect free speech for ALL citizens, repeal FISA, stop government spying on American citizens and reform America's intelligence agencies.
8) Support freedom of choice on COVID vaccines and mask mandates. Oppose any new lockdowns of businesses or schools.
9) Support the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution which will end the Federal Reserve’s endless money printing. Printing has caused double-digit inflation. Inflation has increased the cost of everything from gasoline to groceries. Making it impossible for millions of people to make ends meet.
10) And of course Cole is a pro business, pro farmer, pro rancher, pro family Republican endorsed in three counties. San Luis Obispo, Ventura and Santa Barbara county GOP's and by the California GOP.
Also I recommend the following precepts as legislative guidelines - From Michael Savage - A Savage Republic

And furthermore Cole would legislate to remove and exclude any and all dual citizenship members from congress or any federal job or office. And to also remove and exclude from congress or any federal job or office, anyone not born in the USA, of actual citizen parents. Because we need to protect our republic and our culture from foreign influences, foreign intrigues and foreign interference. Also I would propose the same immigration policy for the USA, as the one that exists in Israel. If it's good enough for Israel, it's good enough for the United States of America. Thomas Cole JD October 29, 2024
BALLOT STATEMENT for 24th by Thomas Cole
with Andrew Russo, Greg Hammel and Charles Cole
Dear voters, it’s time for a decision. For the safety of your children and the protection of your nation, we need you to decide.
Do you want a country that fights endless wars?
Do you want $200 billion of your tax dollars sent to Ukraine while our homeless veterans die on the streets?
Do want a nation that has open borders?
Do you want schools that have men competing against your daughters and in their showers?
Do you want a nation where coastal elites and tech barons prosper while you can’t afford basic necessities?
And, do you want continuing inflation destroying your paycheck, doubling the price of food and gas and your mortgage payment?
Now, I offer a solution and that is to vote for me, Thomas Cole for Congress, where your vote for me will mean a vote for America. A vote for your right to have safe schools, safe borders, plentiful jobs and stable money.
We need the government to get out of the way and allow the private sector to provide more energy jobs, more housing, and better education.
And, government should be providing the things we cannot do ourselves, like border security, infrastructure and national defense.
Instead, what you are getting is politicized schools promoting transgenderism, open borders with crime and thousands of homeless people -- many of them mentally disturbed and violent -- admitted into your neighborhoods.
It's time for a change. I will be that change. Learn more at thomascoleforcongress.com (http://thomascoleforcongress.com/)
"I don't need this campaign,
but our nation does."