Why is Cole Running For Congress (Democratic Talking Points)
1) A thorough examination of the processes, protocols, and procedures for legal immigration while addressing the pressing concerns concerning our neighbors to the south and the state of porous southern border. Though likely under-reported, our children, fathers and mothers – loved ones - are dying from Fentanyl, a nasty and dangerous plague resulting in at least 6,000 deaths in California alone in 2021.[1] “Illicit fentanyl, primarily manufactured in foreign clandestine labs and smuggled into the United States through Mexico, is being distributed across the country and sold on the illegal drug market.[2]”
2) Explore avenues for a peaceful ceasefire and resolution in Ukraine which has already taken the lives of over 800,000 people wherein neighbor fights neighbor for little in return. Around $200 billion has been spent in this brutal proxy war.
The Math:
§ Current population of the United States of America is 345,694,370[3]
§ Current population of California 39,128,162[4]
§ California has 11.3% of the USA population 39,128,162/345,694,370
§ California has 52 Districts
§ Santa Barbara County has a Population of 435,000
§ Santa Barbara County has 435,000/39,128,162 = 1.1% of California’s Total Population Resides in the County
§ 1.1% of 200 Billion = $220,000,000
§ Our County Budget is $1.56 Billion[5]
§ $220,000,000/1.56 Billion = 14.1% of our present Budget?
· Schools, Parks, Infrastructure, Fire, Police?
3) THE POINT = Where does this conflict end and when does that money ever come home?
o Our youth are the future, and the health of our schools is non-partisan. We all desire for our communities’ children, youth, and young adults to prosper. The manner of addressing this concern is what becomes contentious. School choice is paramount as is the need for excellent, well-paid, enthusiastic teacher’s pre-k through college.
4) Nearly everyone uses transport of some kind. Be it a bicyles, scooter, e-bike, bus, truck, or car, energy prices are high, and we need practical solutions. One should not have to consider feeding their family, saving for a home, paying of a student-loan vs. making the commute to a job of any sort. We have natural reserves of Shale, Oil, Gas that limit our dependence on foreign sources for joule sustenance (Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran – OPEC and other well established Alliances). We must explore renewables such as solar, hydro, nuclear (if done responsibly) so that our footprint may shrink as our economic prospects flourish. Both simultaneously can be achieved through a careful and strategic plan of enactment.
5) The ideals of our Founding Fathers are important, as outlined in our nation’s original documents: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and The Amendments. These contributions along with the aid and efforts of Abolitionists, Suffragettes, African American, People of Color, Queer and other diverse, oft unheard and overlooked voices the United States, not to mention California Great. History is not static, and hindsight is always 20/20. Nevertheless, we struggle up the same hill and must not forget where we come from as to remove any unnecessary rocks for the paths of our adolescents.
5) What makes America, The Golden State, and especially Santa Barbara one of the greatest places on earth – apart from its amazing weather - is the opportunity to succeed in any field, business or honest endeavor. If one employs ardent work-habits, couple with faith and patient persistence, Cole will do all to facilitate small and big business alike and represent the Farmer, Landlord, and Tenant, Deli-Clerk, independent contractor- alike - so that each and all may flourish under the common goal success and happiness. Why is Santa Barbara supposedly the “Most Expensive City to Be Happy?[6]” That is ludicrous. Happiness is found in our family, hobbies, spiritual pursuits, work and communities. Capital has no right to be a barrier to contentment.
[1] https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/OPA/Pages/Communications-Toolkits/Fentanyl-Overdose-Prevention.aspx#:~:text=Fentanyl%20is%20a%20synthetic%20opioid,related%20overdose%20deaths%20in%20California.
[2] https://www.dea.gov/resources/facts-about-fentanyl#:~:text=Illicit%20fentanyl%2C%20primarily%20manufactured%20in,on%20the%20illegal%20drug%20market.
[6] https://www.santabarbara.com/#:~:text=Is%20Santa%20Barbara%20the%20most,to%20the%20Economic%20Research%20Institute.